“awning” means a retractable roof-like structure that projects from the exterior wall of a building (banne) “arterial road” means a highway identified as such in Schedule E, G or H of the Official Plan (artère) “applicant” means a person applying for a permanent sign permit or a sign encroachment permit under this by-law (demandeur) “animated”, in reference to a sign, means movement, motion or the appearance of motion by way of motion picture, video, television, LED screens or any technology that would facilitate motion or the appearance of motion, and does not include a static billboard with sign copy that changes mechanically (animé) “alteration” means any change to the sign structure or the sign face but does not include maintenance or a change in the message, and “altered” and “altering” have a corresponding meaning (modification)

“agricultural use” has the same meaning as in the Zoning By-law (utilisation agricole) “agent” means a person designated by another person to act on his or her behalf (mandataire) “adjacent” means a property that shares a property line with the subject property as well as those properties directly across the street (adjacent) “Addressing By-law” means By-law 2014-78 of the City of Ottawa respecting the naming of private roads and highways and the numbering of buildings and lots and the repeal of By-law 2002-521 and By-law 2005-322, as amended (Règlement sur l’adressage municipal) “accessory” means a use that is normally, naturally and customarily subordinate and incidental to a principal use and is an integral part of the normal operation of that principal use (acessore) “access” means a way of ingress or egress to or from a street, and includes a highway, private road, driveway and any other private way (accès) “abut” means to share a property line, and abutting has a corresponding meaning (contigu)